Remember The Days of Tomorrow | Teen Ink

Remember The Days of Tomorrow

January 22, 2011
By ChrisAngel SILVER, Chicago, Illinois
ChrisAngel SILVER, Chicago, Illinois
9 articles 12 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
A good friend will bail you out of jail, but a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "That was fun."

I remember when we first met. It was a rainy summer day. Heat entrapped us like a cocoon and the sun came out. You were my sun. You still are. You brighten my day, you brighten my life. You're a secret ray in a dark night. You give me hope for a life that's just a tad bit lighter. A tad bit happier. You make my stomach flutter, you make my heart clench. You make my eyes sting, you make me feel like a completely different human being. I see you everywhere even if you're not there. I may be crazy, I don't know. That summer day, my life changed, my fate erased and rewrote itself, because I met you. Someone I knew but didn't exactly know.You became that second part to me. Molding yourself into my life. I felt that you were mine and you felt the same. You smiled and me, like the sun on a flower. You held me tight and close for just a day, but I remember. Remember how it was before the complications. Remember the simplicity we felt. Remember the love we had. Love at first sight. I believe. You believe in me. You don't need science or any mystical reasons to love me. Just my name, just my face...Just me. Remember. You wanted nothing to change, I wanted to have fate. But life flips around and your left stranded in the mud. Tiny little details, but still, you hold me close. You keep me strong. You love me everyday. Remember everyday together is forever. First love. Last love. First sight, now I'm blind to everyone else. Your my 20/20 vision. Your my candle in the dark light. Your my sun in the morning. Your my moon in the night. Love me like its forever. Remember the days of tomorrow.

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