Imaginary | Teen Ink


April 21, 2011
By Apiphany Lawyer BRONZE, Tallahassee, Florida
Apiphany Lawyer BRONZE, Tallahassee, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I always wish things were different. Different friends. Different family. A different financial situation. But I am stuck with the life I have got. Instead of running away I rely on my mind to take me away from my life. I go to an imaginary world where no one judges me. Everyone has unique qualities and, I am not put down for mine. We all have too much fun laughing together to laugh at each other. In this world I am able to learn on my own terms. My intelligence is not measured with standardized tests meant to take away my individuality. I gain intelligence through the natural process of living and learning. In this world, the old and young have a more understanding relationship. Kids realize that their elders have wisdom about life, and they should listen to all they can get before it is gone. Adults realize that kids are growing up in a new generation with new times and things just are not the same as they were “back in the day”. Most importantly, I am able to control my own life in this world. There is no one pulling me in his or her direction when where I want to be headed is in the opposite way. There is no set path that I am expected to follow. Making mistakes are understood as being a part of life and I am free to change the direction of my life as many times as it takes to get it right. But this world is only a figment of my imagination with little hope of becoming a reality.

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