My Life | Teen Ink

My Life

February 7, 2013
By epicwatermelon13 BRONZE, Kirkwood, Missouri
epicwatermelon13 BRONZE, Kirkwood, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was born on may 13, 1999 in Saratov, Russia. My mother was very young when she had me. The day I was born she knew right away that she could no longer take care of me she had my other brothers and sisters to take care of. She had no money and my father was gone. The next day she wanted to give me up for adoption so I could have a better life, then she said goodbye. They sent me to a orphanage on May 17, 1999. I was a small baby and was sick.

On December 8, 1999 a newly married couple came in and got to choose from 3 different baby’s. I was the youngest at 7 months old. The first one was bigger then me and same with the other then they looked at me and tears fell from there eyes the said I was the one. I was only 7 months old and more then happy to be my parents. They took me home on the plane and I slept the hole flight. When we got off the plane we found out that my new grandma went to the wrong airport and she was crying. When we got home the hole family made my mom almost run back outside cause they didn’t know that are family was gonna shoot out from every angle saying welcome home.

The next day my parents took me to the doctor and he said I had a fever and cleaned my ears and he was grossed out by that cause he had to 16 Qutips. He gave me a medicine that made me have blue spots on my head. When we got home I fell a sleep.

My first birthday my parents came to preschool and we had a pretzel cake. My classmates were happy and so was I. The pretzel cake was gone in less then 5 minutes. I remember Jack upchucked cause he ate way to much. My second birthday was better I don’t remember it as well but I will try my hardest to remember I had a big cookie cake and got some new clothes as my mom remembered. My third birthday I got lots of stuff. I remember I got a really big doll kit and a pink barbie sleeping bag. that night I slept in my new sleeping bag with my doll and my dog named toby. As a kid I was trouble with a capital T . I ran off and pranked the teachers. By my 4 birthday I changed into a nice girl who would change her clothes 5 times a day. I loved playing outside and I always loved watching movies I loved The little mermaid and watched it a hole lot on the VCR.

when I was five I had to have eye surgery in both eyes i could not see and it was just all a blur. Two months later my eyes where fine but not my tonsils I snored so loud my parents could hear me all the way from up stairs. The same year I got pneumonia and was sick for 3 hole weeks.

Kindergarten was okay I guess I was the kid who was picked on and still am. I met my friend Elena in kindergarten and we were friends right away.

In first grade I had changed schools from Westchester to Keysor elementary school. I had a nice teacher and I was really shy and cryed cause I missed my mom and wanted to go home.

In second grade I learned that I had ADD and that I would have to start taking medicine to help me focus in school. The first day of second grade I was shy and had no friends. Some of the kids made fun of me because I never talked and they called me mute.

Third grade I was bullied because I was so skinny and looked like a walking stick. Fourth grade I met one of my greatest friends Cicely. We would talk and play on the play ground. When it came time for my birthday I invited some friends to my cottage up in chautauqua, Illinois . I had three friends and of course the power went out since we were in fourth grade we were screaming like we were being killed. They spent the night and we did not go to sleep at all. The next morning we went to the creek and my friend Jessica got bit by a snake. As soon as it bit her it went flying in the water. Me and my friend Emma ran as fast as we could to get to the house and Cicely stayed with Jessica to calm her down. When we got to the cottage we ran to my mom and said, Jessica just got it by a snake so my mom told us to get in the car and we picked up Cicely and Jessica and drove to the E.R. It took 1 hour to get to the E.R . We went in and we got Jessica on the bed and we put a wrap on her leg. It took 45 minutes for the doctor to come in, Thankfully it was not poisonous snake.

In fifth grade I got a baby kitten for my birthday and we named him Coda. He is as black as night. No white hairs just plain black. Sixth grade I had met so many new people I could not keep track I sat with a group of friends and we laughed and talked. In seventh grade I was shy and l met new friends. For My birthday me and my family went back to chautauqua and had the whole family over.

I don’t know what I would do with out my family. I feel so blessed to have a family who takes care of me and loves me.

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