where are thou Pumpkin? | Teen Ink

where are thou Pumpkin?

March 6, 2013
By TheCurlySqueirl BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
TheCurlySqueirl BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life can always be curly

I wanted the best, but the best was poison...

When I was seven years old me and my pears went on a class field trip to old McGardy’s pumpkin patch for the harvest moon festival. We went so that we all could choose a pumpkin, for one of the GRATEST HOLIDAYS KNOWN TO MANKIND!!!...Or to a little seven year old with a extreme Candy fetish. This glorious holiday is none other than Halloween the time of year where children go from door to door asking complete strangers for snicker doodles and lollipops, and parents praying that their children’s don’t come back with a weird clown in a rented costume with a demented complex of sorts and their child asking if they can keep him. To help us celebrate this holiday our second grade teacher Ms.Thurston took us to old McGardy so that we may choose a pumpkin of our liking and take it home so that we may create jacko-lanterns in the spirit of the season. When we arrived I already knew that in my mind I wanted to find a pumpkin as big as the sun and as orange as…a orange, but I also knew to find such a Masterpiece I would have to be a little mischievous and separate from the group.
When we got off the bus a strong order of cow, chicken, and horse dung hit us in the face like a sack of potatoes.

“Class make sure you keep to the trail of the farm, you don’t want to get lost” announced ms.Thurston

“OK!” the class replied with a vigorous tone for a set of annoyed sit to seven year olds
“Honestly that is the billionth time she’s told us that! Explained a boy to another fellow class mate.
BOOM! Like a flash of lighting every child ran into the trail looking for a pumpkin to call their own. Except for me that is, who slowly walked off into the cold forbidden corn field of McGardy farm. As I walked into the field I couldn’t help but be amazed by the sheer height of the stocks of the corn, they were as tall as giants! ... But of course everything is that tall when you’re a three foot six curly haired seven year old. I searched for what seemed like hours…or minutes…or seconds? I wasn’t sure…I wasn’t really good at telling time back then, but I knew it was a long time. As I searched for a expanded period of time in the cold sunless corn field with the wind blowing in my ear, I could sworn I heard a tiny voice, a voice telling me the most horrible thing a seven year old could ever be told in his life, well this and that Santa Clause was just a corporate pawn for businesses to make money off of the middle class… the unmerciful wind whispered in my ear “your lost…”
I knew this to be true since I couldn’t find the path that I took to even enter this long unforgiving maze of starch. I wondered amyls until I heard the most beautiful yea annoying voice ever to be spawned by man saying “CLASS RETURN TO THE BUS!!!” It was Ms.Thurston screaming at the top of her lungs for us come back to the bus with our new pumpkins in hand. I ran to the eternal sound of her voice and finally found the path from which I came. As I came out of the path I seen as my fellow peers held their pumpkins in hand, and as I looked down I could do nothing but cry, resenting my choice to go into the field. As I looked into my empty hands I boarded the bus.
“Hey boy! Were your pumpkin?” said an unfamiliar voice in my ear
I looked up and seen that it was Mr.McGardy, he was a very frail slim man with an old bolar hat on. “I don’t have one” I said
“Well why not?” he asked with a confused look on his face
“I couldn’t find one” I explained to him

“Oh well that’s terrible, well maybe you could hurry and…TOOKA TOOKA TOOKA” he was cut off by the roar of the engine and with that we pulled off. Mr.McGardy seemed sad as we pulled away from him even more than I was. I turned around in my seat and looked around the bus, I could see all the pumpkins everyone had chosen, they were small but a good size to carry around like a round purse. I turned back around in my seat and lied my head on the window thinking that I could have had the best one if only I had more time. But instead I went home with nothing but empty dirty hands, and a few frost bites.

The author's comments:
this story is from my chilhood when i was back in Ireland.

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