The Play | Teen Ink

The Play

March 12, 2013
By Anonymous

The sky was as blue as the sea. I looked at my mom with a stare, with my eyes glaring as bright as the sun. I incessantly thought about what she had done. I looked back at my sister, who was full of smiles as if she had just won the lottery, I however was not in the mood to smile. This day was just getting started, and I already didn’t like it.
My mom, who is as smart as a T-Rex, signed me up for Belfry. My heart, about to burst, was pumping harder than I ever felt it pump before. The car ride, long and boring, was not pleasurable because I forced myself not to talk to her.
We arrived at our destination. My body, filled with the nerves that were forming, felt motionless as I dropped from the car. I walked towards the door as if ice was about to break under my feet. I griped the door handle with so much force that it almost fell off. The door swung open as I walked through, careful not too look to scared. With each step comes another doubt. about the situation. I look outside, but don’t see my mom. I sigh, feeling like a failure before I even began.
I entered the big white doors as if a monster was chasing me. I push my way through the doors into another world filled with acting and singing. The kids welcomed me and showed me around like they own the place. The stage, large and holding many memories, held the key to a Musical. After twenty minutes the Directors of the play said, “Take your seats”. We all did just that and listened with curiosity, with as much fear as I began with.
The Director announced “All of you will be split into different groups based on age”. I’m now sweating trying desperately to stop, but I have to go through with it. I scan the room to see any familiar faces, but I don’t identify anyone.
We all split up into three different rooms to do acting, singing, and dancing. Each class had its own spark of fun that lasted for about one and a half hours.
At the end of the day, the sun set and the chirping birds quieted. I, having learned that life is not always easy, lay my head on my pillow thinking about the rest of the time during the play. I learned that being nervous shows that you are not always as terrified as you say you are. The play being as scary as it was encouraged me to become the actor that I’ve become today.

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True Story

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