Almost Made It | Teen Ink

Almost Made It

October 17, 2013
By Erika Davenport BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
Erika Davenport BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A chilly March Tuesday night around 7 o'clock we gathered at Waterford Kettering , I remember the aroma Of popcorn that filled the gym because it reminded me of the movie theater popcorn and the first time i went to see a basketball movie in theaters with my dad .I also remember how low the rims were because I could actually grab the rim . The announcer talking in his deep voice announcing every point scored, and a change in his voice as the game became more exciting in overtime .When the buzzer rang and the game clock struck 0:00 and the basketball hit the floor I felt like my heart had just dropped into my stomach .Me on the other side of the court took five 5 angry steps to the bench in my hyper dunk shoes and my Nike elites that I designed specifically for regional's painting the stripes different colors ,but before getting there being hugged by my best friend in comfort . I felt a tear roll down my face and into her white clarkston jersey that smelled a little like tide . I could feel her heart beating over and over again not too fast but not too slow ,when she let me go I continued to walk to the bench with my head down in defeat . The other team jumped up and down in there blue and yellow jersey on Waterford Kettering's polished floors; they were so happy . The announcer returned to his normal deep voice and announced the 2013 regional's champion . At that moment I slowly put my grey warm up shirt over my head fading out everything and just leaving me with my thoughts .I was like I was in a room by myself a dark room and my thoughts were bouncing off the wall, All the games I've played felt like nothing ,I felt like I failed my team but mostly I failed myself the thought hit me the hardest all the hard work I put in staying after practice to shoot longer all meant nothing. I never wanted to feel that way again , as I took my grey warm up shirt off my head and faced the light of reality to see my sister , I looked at her with her eyes red as a crayon , as she had clearly been crying ,I slowly walked over and held her tight to know she was loved and whispered in her ear so no one else could hear " everything's going to be alright " . she didn't respond but I Could tell that she was going to be alright because her heart went from beating fast to a slow calm rate .At the moment I wanted to be the best I never wanted to see my sister like that again ,or feel the way I felt , defeated. Like someone took my cookie and ate it right in front of me . Then and there I wanted to be the best but most importantly I wanted a rematch ,this game meant some much more to us than to them ,I felt that way mostly because this was my last game with my sister this has always been our dream to play on the same court and now that dream had come to an end. I knew it was going to be hard to be the best but I was determined that I was going to push hard next season .I will never be able to get that moment back or be able to play on the same court as my sister again but I realized that I had people who were like my sisters my team they had become family I know now that I will always be playing with my sisters.

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