A Stupid Kid Thing That Happened to Me | Teen Ink

A Stupid Kid Thing That Happened to Me

November 10, 2013
By CrystalZ SILVER, Muscat, Other
CrystalZ SILVER, Muscat, Other
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was the hot summer in my hometown, kids are getting board with those toys in side the room. They want to know more about outside, me neither. I was at 5 when the thing happened. I was starring at the
moving fan which can give me coolness. Then I started to get dicey. I said,

"Mom, I want to go outside."

"But the weather is too hot."

"I don't care about it."

"We'll.... let's go."

We walked down stair and the hotness went right on my face when I push the door open. I ran to my favorite swing, and looked back saw my mom sat on a branch under the tree with her light blue umbrella. The umbrella always give a slice of fresh.

I sat on the swing using my foot against the ground trying to get a higher level of hight. I felt the warmth on my hand at the swing chain that I am holding.i looked up to the sky felt I am flying like a bird. Maybe I was too enjoying the swing, I released my hand. At the second round of swing, I finally fell down with my head landed on the ground, then my back. It wasn't hurt at all. I saw my mom running toward to me.

"Are you okay?"

"Yah, I am fine." Answered with a smile.

I lied on the ground starring at the sky and thought about being a pigeon.

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