I Am Me | Teen Ink

I Am Me

December 16, 2013
By kellywolfsmith BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
kellywolfsmith BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Mom, why did you name me Kelly?” My mother responded matter-of-factly. “It sounded good with your sister’s name.”

My older sister. My role model. I was the second of two, the complement to the first born, the mediocre sequel to the five star movie. I was, because she was.

And that’s how it went. She decided, and I followed. Everything she embodied, everything she accomplished, I wanted to be exactly like her. The same clothes, haircut, and sports. We were a team, and she was the captain. I was, because she was.

She excelled. Without a hint of difficulty, she aced the tests, scored the points, and received the praise. She held the standard, and I struggled to live up to her. I worked harder at the same tasks, but came up short of her success. Anything less than her was a disappointment. I was, because she was.

But before long, she left. Off to a new life, in a new town, at a new school. Without me. I was now the second child, but the only child. I had to redefine myself without her influence. I was no longer labeled as Jenny’s sister- I was my own person- I was compared only to myself. And I made my own decisions. I am, because I am.

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