This Was For You | Teen Ink

This Was For You

November 17, 2014
By Kesler08 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
Kesler08 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never say goodbye, because saying goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting" -Peter Pan

I see the deer; I start shaking. I’m shaking the tree like a tornado. I have shot a deer before but i still get nervous. My dad tells me to get my gun and find him in the scope. I push the gun up against my shoulder, and look through the scope. I see him standing there; looking right at me. He’s the biggest deer I have seen hunting. I’m so nervous! If i miss him I will be so mad! I look at my dad “Can I shoot?”

“Yup! Get Him!” My dad whispers. I give him a what-if-I-miss look. I take a deep breath, and slowly pull the trigger.
He fell.
My eyes widen, my jaw drops. I shot him and he just fall like a shooting star;peacefully then fast.
We wait for 30 minutes which feel like a lifetime. It starts raining cats and dogs, so we start moving. We climb down the ladder stand and I slowly but fast walk to the deer lying there calm, peacefully.
He’s dead.
I’m so happy the last time i smiled this big was when i got my FIRST deer which was 4 years ago. The first thing I do is call my dads best friend Dave.
  “Tell me the story!” Dave screams through the phone.
“I shot him right in the heart! He ran a couple yards! But we saw him fall! We need help!”
“Awesome! I’m on my way!” Dave says with excitement. He is always excited when one of us kids get a deer.
My dad looks down at me, and smiles.
“I’m very proud of you, Peanut.” My dad whispers, while he kisses the top of my head.
I just smile. I know he’s proud of me. He always is. I just wish my whole family could be here sharing this special moment with us.
I look up to the sky and smile. A tear falls down my cheek.
“That was for you uncle David,” I whisper to the clouds.

The author's comments:

i wrote this because when i would get a deer i would call my uncle and he died so i couldnt do that. I had to write about it.

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