Together We Can | Teen Ink

Together We Can

January 7, 2016
By erika22 BRONZE, Midlothian, Virginia
erika22 BRONZE, Midlothian, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We wanted it bad. A win was the only thing on our minds. Our goal was to change the record and take our rival team’s name off of that trophy. We were confident in our abilities, and we were inspired to do our best. The whole school was coming to pack the stands. We knew we only had one job and it was to win the game for them.
As we walked up to the field, two by two, we blasted music from a speaker which warned the other team we were coming. The song’s base shook our bodies. Stepping up onto the field we took in the sights. Decorations were everywhere with flowers bordering the field, signs posted and the stands adorned with balloons and streamers. This made us realize how big of a deal this game was. The clock was already counting down, only 50 minutes till game time, we have been working all season towards this one moment. We lined up and walked out to the midfield line, we grasped each other's hands and turned to face the flag. I was too deep in thought about the game that I was about to play to even hear the music. The crowd was huge. They had faith in us. That is from where our desire and pride came and what gave us the motivation we needed.

Our mantra rang in my head on repeat: together we can, together we can, together we can, and again together we can. We huddled up and we did our cheer,

“Together we can!” the team screamed.

We ran out onto the field as I felt my heart racing. I stood in the back of the field with my helmet on and began looking at every other player and took a deep breath. The game began, back and forth the ball bounced around the field and girls sprinted for it, working like it was the last ball they would ever see. One of my teammates ran over to me. She was drenched in sweat and crying.

I turned to her and said, “There are never bad games, only bad moments and moments only last a few seconds, go make some good ones!”

Then the buzzer sounded, one goal up and a weight was lifted. The last minutes were the most nerve racking and longest minutes of my life. All I had to do was keep the ball out. I couldn't believe it. I heard the stepping and banging in the stands and the crowd started rushing towards my end of the field. Trinity flags were flying, posters were flapping in the wind and I found myself yelling. We chanted the fight song and my teammates ran to my end of the field and we hugged each other. Tears filled each of our eyes and our black face paint smeared down our faces.

My teammate returned to me and said, “Thanks for reminding me to keep working, and I will never forget that.” 
I looked at her and yelled, “Holy crap, we won.”

She laughed. Tears of joy filled her eyes. We were equally overwhelmed to know that we had just won. We had been working towards this all season. After a long season, this was our reward. All of those days we worked our hardest and all of those tears shed. Together we did it.

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