Eye Color | Teen Ink

Eye Color

May 25, 2016
By ascharff GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
ascharff GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Eye color...eye color...eye color a trait seen daily.  My friends, each of them a different color part of the rainbow and at the end a pot of gold.  Brittany's eyes brown like the bruised, bumpy bark of a tree.  Brandi’s eyes green like grass on a spring day, fresh and full.  Amber a hazelnut the perfect blend of brown and yellow almost enough to match the color of honey. And me, my eyes are a deep blue, blue the color of the ocean when a storm is about to hit.

But my friends eyes, my best friends eyes are something any girl would dream to have.  An icy blue color, the color one would see if they traveled to the arctic and stared at the blue sky bouncing off the pure white snow.  The color that if stared at long enough could get cold chills running down their spine and feel the ice of her eyes freezing their souls.  Her tears are icicles melting as a winter day turns into a spring one.  The joy in her eyes show as the ice melts and opens up a ray of sunshine.  Her eyes tell her story like a crystal ball tells mine. 

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