My Suicidal Best Friend | Teen Ink

My Suicidal Best Friend

December 4, 2017
By Anonymous

After I was told these 2 words, my whole world changed…

Okay, it wasn’t that dramatic. But it was dramatic. I’m not being extra. Let’s call my friend Ditto because I don’t want to get sued. I always knew that Ditto was different. She was quiet, shy, and she keeps to herself.  She looked happy though. I guess that her smile was fake. No offense, I have a feeling that she’s emo. But hey, being emo isn’t a bad thing, I think. She was like a peanut, on the outside she’s solid, but on the inside, she’s hollow. My heart felt like it was being stabbed at every time I would replay those words in my head. “I’m suicidal”, were the words. I didn’t know what to say. Me being the person I am said,

“Is this a joke?” She slowly shook her head.
“Ditto, are you okay?”. Best friend no. 2 was just, baffled. She just stayed quiet. Then, Ditto showed me her cuts. Then, it got real. I was like,
“Jesus Christ!”. From that day on, I realized that the world isn’t all sunshine and rainbows.

I never dealt with a situation like that. I was confused. I was baffled! So I just turned around and went on with my day. That one day changed my life. I realized that not everyone is happy in life. Not everyone is happy and energetic like me. I still, don’t know why she’s suicidal and why she’s depressed. I don’t want to push her, but, I want to know, why?! I want to help her with this ‘situation’. The problem is that she won’t open up. She keeps to herself.

It made me realize that Ditto is in trouble. She can take her life at any moment. If I don’t help her, no one else will help her. She needs me. She needs me to turn her life around and to make her happy. I need her to open up her feelings. I want to help her, and I will.


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