Dream Illusions | Teen Ink

Dream Illusions

March 8, 2018
By gonzalezmiguel048 BRONZE, Des Plaines, Illinois
gonzalezmiguel048 BRONZE, Des Plaines, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

i went straight home right after school because my aunt needed help at home.When i got home my niece had knocked over my nephew and made him hit his head and he started crying as loud as a fire alarm and he hurt my ears.My sister came in through the door and calmed them down so they were all calm now.I went to my room after that and i was so tired that i felt like i was walking as slow as a sloth to my room.When i got downstairs i fell asleep after like 5 minuets of putting my head down.

That day i had a dream,a very weird dream.The dream was of me and my dad that had left me and my sister and my mom when i was 2 years old.It was a dream that i had had in the past.That was the third time that i had that same dream.Im at home setting on the couch watching tv and i hear the doorbell ring.I then get up and go open the door and there is a guy that is standing right their and he then tells me that he is my father.I then punched him in the face so hard that he fell like a coconut falling from a tree. He then gets up and gets up and tells me that he deserves that punch and that once again he was sorry.He then told me that he wanted to see my mom and i told him that i was not going to let him see her.He then said that he wanted to see my sister and i told him that he was not going to see her eaither.He then asked me what was wrong that why i am not letting him see them and then punched him again because  of how mad i was.He then said that he was my dad and that i am not suposed to hit him and then i told him that a real dad would not leave his kids along for 14 years.He then said that he had messed up and that he was sorry.

My mom then came out because she had to go out and when she walked out the door she knew that he was going to come but she had not tolden me becuase she knew that i would not be home i would have left.She then said that we needed to talk about something and so she told me that he was allowd  to go into the house and speak with eachother.At the same time that my sister was coming down the stairs and she didnt not reconize him.I then told her that is was our dad and she started to cry and ran back upstairs and didnt come back down.
Me,my mom,And the guy called my dad were in the living room setting down and then out of no were he hit me with a question that it nearly knocked me out.He told me that he was dying and that he needed a a kidney transplant in order for him to live.He told me that there was a good chance that i was a match for him.I then told him that there was no reason for me to give him my kidney becuase he was never in my life he was never there when i needed someone or there when i needed support on something.He told me that he was here now and that he was go not ing to leave any more.I then told him that now is to late and since he was not their for me i am not going to be their for him.I then walked out and left.

I came home the next day i had spent the night at my friends house and when i walked in the my house i seen that he was laying on the couch sleeping and when i went to go talk to my mom about what he was doing here she was waiting for me.At the end of the day i ended up giving him my kidney and after the surgery i went home and he went home and he never called like he said he would and i was ok with that,atleast i got to see him once rather than never i was happy as a dog with a bone.

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