Any Easter Sunday | Teen Ink

Any Easter Sunday

May 17, 2018
By AniyaIngram BRONZE, Zachary, Louisiana
AniyaIngram BRONZE, Zachary, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I don't know if it's just a black people thing or if everyone does it, but when Easter Sunday rolls around it's already insinuated : If you're not dressed and ready to be in a day long fashion contest, don't even bother leaving home. Easter Sunday was the one day that gave you an excuse as to why you needed two different outfits for one day. The day that you'll definitely see your cousins that never go to church…unless you're the cousin that never goes to church. Easter Sunday was what my grandmother had been preparing for since Christmas.

My mom and I were in the car on the way to the nail shop, you know Easter prep, and my mom got a call from my Grandmother.

"Aimee!" she shouted into the phone, "you'll never believe what I found at Talbot's for fifty percent off!"
"What did you find mom!" my mom said.
"I found that lavender dress with the green and yellow flowers I had been looking at." my grandma said in excitement.
I can't wait to see it!" my mom responded.
"Can't wait to show ya!" my grandmother said before she hung up.

The next morning we got up earlier than usual to go to church once we were done dressing, we hopped in the car and headed on to the church. We parked and scurried into the churched to find a seat. We sat down and waited around for my grandmother to get to church.

After about ten or, fifteen minutes of waiting I heard my grandmothers oddly distinctive chuckle in the sanctuary. I glanced up to see where she was, and I noticed she was showing off her dress to all of the little old ladies at church.

"Girl I like that dress!" said her best friend. When she was done stunting on all of the church folk she came by my mom and I and twirled in a circle sporting her new fifty percent off dress.
"How do I look?" my grandmother questioned slyly. I then shout and quickly stand up, "A hot mess with that roller in the back of your hair!"
I pulled the stray roller from her hair and both my mother and I fell in laughter.

The author's comments:

My piece truly describes the personality of every character in this story, and i can definitely say this was one of the funniest moments in my life.

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on May. 23 2018 at 11:14 pm
Great read! Can't wait for your next piece

on May. 23 2018 at 10:50 pm
Great job cousin!!! I can definitely imagine all of this happening lol

on May. 23 2018 at 3:18 pm
Awesome job Aniya