The Big Day | Teen Ink

The Big Day

May 21, 2018
By CarmenLikesWriting BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
CarmenLikesWriting BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was pretty late at night when I wondered where my father was. My mother and I were sitting in the living room watching a movie and talking about our day. Just then, the garage door opened, letting us know my dad was finally home.


“Shh! Pretend we are sleeping!” I say quietly.

We lie down and close our eyes. Fake sleeping has been a tradition in our family since I was a little girl, I was mischievous and always tricking my family; by doing things like that. I hear the lock turn and then the door opens. I’m the worst at this trick because I always end up giggling. I pull the covers off my face in surrender before Papi starts tickling me. I look over to my mom to see if she’s given up yet, then I got wide-eyed and silent. I gasped.

I see the sight any child would dream of experiencing. My dad is kneeled over with a small red box. I roll over on my stomach and manage out a yell “No way!”
My mom rolls over, and then at the sight of the red box, sits up straight.
A wide smile takes on her face, “Finally!” she says as she looks at the ring. In his broken American accent, my father asks her, “Will you marry me?”
My mother wrapped her arms around him and squealed “Yes!” I gave them both a hug and Papi sweetly kissed my forehead.
After months of planning that included; a trip to the bridal shop, and endless searches for blue and beige decorations- the day finally arrived. March 7, 2015.
I woke up as eleven year old me would any other Saturday. After coming out of my sleepy state, I remembered.
“It’s wedding day!” I yelled. I ran to my parents’ room ready to share my excitement.

A couple hours’ later, the bridesmaids arrived to help prep the bride. We set off to the chapel. The closer to the chapel, the more butterflies filled my stomach.  When something is going to happen, even if it’s good, I’ll get that feeling in my stomach. It may be anxiety or just the feeling of excitement itself. Upon arrival, the photographer started snapping pictures of the wedding party and guests. I kept looking at my mother. She looked stunning. She had on a light cream, sparkly, fitted dress and her hair was in a beautiful half up, half down hair do.

Soon, it was time for the ceremony to start. My brother and I locked arms with my mother. Then, the song started playing. Everyone quieted down. Oh my god, this was actually happening! The three of us exchanged a final look at each other for assurance. We headed into the chapel and our family stood up and smiled. I saw so many familiar faces: my grandfather, grandmother, aunts, uncles, cousins, and family friends. Then I saw the happiest smile on my father’s face. I knew I would remember this day forever.

Once we were into place and the priest began speaking, I could only focus on the two people standing right in front of me; my mom and dad. I finally tuned into reality when the priest exclaimed “You may now kiss the bride.”

There was a moment of complete silence.
You could hear a pin drop.

Then they happily locked lips and the room burst with cheers and applause. During the ceremony, I had been trying to hold back my tears but now I let them run down like a waterfall. And once I started I couldn’t stop. Everyone continued to cheer and as I looked around I realized I was the only one crying. After finding my parents, and brother, Andrew, we exchanged a giant group hug.

“Why are you crying?” My Andrew asked.
“I’m so happy.” Was my reply.

My parents smiled at me and we all embraced again. After being together for 15 years, finally tying the knot meant so much for our family. This is because my brother and I have different fathers. Before I was born, and when my Andrew was only five, his father passed away. That’s when my mom met my dad. Finding another father for your son, who will treat him as if it’s his own, is hard to find. So, when my parents met, my father treated Andrew well. This is how my mother knew he was the one.


The author's comments:

Hi! I'm Carmen, I'm 13 years old, and I live in Pennsylvania. Family is very imporatant to me which is what inspired me to write this memoir. This day marked a momentous event for my family and I. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it! :)

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