How My Life Changed | Teen Ink

How My Life Changed

May 21, 2018
By Anonymous

On June 14th, morning I went to see my two sisters which I just met. Their names are Kia and Kelly. They have kid. Kia five and Kelly three. I learned a lot about them since I’ve been there. They changed my life by many reasons, but first my life story meeting them.


So one day my dad took me and my sister, Mackenzie to which now is my sister and took us to her house. “Were almost there” my dad said. Ok exactly where are we going? “You’ll see”. Ok

Ten minutes later

“Were here”. We got out the car and started walking to her house. When we got to the door, my dad walked right in and we followed him nervously. Then, both Kia and Kelly came running towards us giving us a big hug. Then my dad. After we met, their kids came running downstairs. It was like a group of elephants marching. Running  faster  than a cheetah.

By the time they got downstairs, I introduced myself. “Hi, my name is Arianna. “They introduced their selves. Then we went out to eat .we went to Friendly’s.

When we got back from Friendly’s we went to Kelly’s house but first my dad dropped Mackenzie off. While we did that he asked us “how was meeting your sisters”. It was great. Me and my sister said. A few minutes  later “Bye dad “. My sister said. And she slowly walked up the steps to my mom’s house.

Me and my dad were on our way to get my other sister Andrea and her kids. We then went back to Kelly house. Me and Andrea’s kid Trinity stood over Kelly’s house for the night. We watched movies and I went to hang out with Kelly.

In the morning my dad came to pick me and trinity up. He took us home.
Meeting my new sisters Kia and Kelly was really great this changed my life by many reasons.

First, they changed my life by their personality. They inspire me and inspirited me to do things. For example, they inspirited me to stay the night.

Next, they changed my life by helping me with problems. They talked to me about things in my life that bother me.

Finally, they changed my life by having two more sisters in my life that I didn’t know. Knowing  that happened.
In conclusion, there are many reasons as to how Kia and Kelly changed my life

The author's comments:

It's about me and my two sisters that are twins

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