My Tumor | Teen Ink

My Tumor

September 17, 2018
By AaliyahGuerra BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
AaliyahGuerra BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

February 5, 2017 on Sunday super bowl night, I had got a bad headache we was at my dad cousin house and I was laying down .I did everything to make it go away it didn’t so I told my mom and dad and they took me to HollyCross Hospital . I stayed for a while, then the headache went away .The headache only went away for a little bit .So I went to another hospital called Joe Diamaggio in Miami FL and that’s when everything started .                                                                                                                                                            When I arrived  at Joe Diamaggio, the headache got worse, and I couldn’t take the pain. I was all over the floor crying and just aggravated because it wouldn’t stop.The staff checked me in really quick then took me to the back.The doctor came to see me and gave me medicine thinking it was going to  stop and it didn’t .So the doctor admitted me in the hospital.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              The next day doctors came to see me  and examine me they couldn't find out what was wrong .They sent me to do a whole bunch of testies and still nothing.I went back to my hospital room and my blood pressure  was going up and up .I was in a lot of pain all I was doing was crying and more crying all I wanted was the pain to stop and it didn’t . I wasn’t talking to anyone about how I was feeling because no one knew how much pain I was in . Then this one night which was on  Friday they gave me to much medicine and two of them didn’t go together and my heart rate  was beating really fast and it led up to 206. I couldn’t breath and my whole body was just hurting .After that that’s when my mom took me out that  hospital.                                                                     

I left Joe Diamaggio hospital and went to Nicklaus Children's Hospital .When I got there they took me in and admitted me there.The next day on Sunday, the ENT doctor  which is the ear ,nose and throat doctor came in and looked inside my nose and she seen something she didn’t like so I went to do a cat scan that same day  then on Monday she took me in for surgery .She  found a tumor inside my nose and thankfully she got it out just in time .The tumor was found through a cat scan they did on me before she did the surgery .She removed the tumor by punching a whole through it and 5cc of blood came out . They ran tests  on it to see  if it was anything bad and it wasn’t everything came out good.                                                                                                                                                                

After all that happening to me  im living better and doing better .I don’t get pain anymore sometimes I get headaches but they go away.I thank her so much for taking all that pain away and saving my life .She truly is the best doctor and I appreciate her so much .Last, but not least I thank my mom for being  there everyday never leaving and being by my side couldn't have done it without her .  It made me look at life different I’m more appreciated and thankful and never take life for granted .

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