Hard Work | Teen Ink

Hard Work

October 24, 2018
By cz20 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
cz20 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everybody, one by one in my family is moving forward. My oldest brother is like a lawn mower because, he does lawn care. My second brother that attends college, smart and works towards an academic career. Me, I am like a machine that fixes or constructs go karts and working on house with my dad. My mom is like a professional maid when it come to cleaning the house.

But my dad’s work, my dad’s motivation, like little birds twirp while going across the country to migrate for winter, like a hungry wolf trying to get it's prey, all done because he worked on the house all day. It is amazing to see my dad’s project done, holding his hammer and my dad feels accomplished. The pounding of the hammer, and my family to keep my dad motivated and accomplished of his work while he is trying to beat the winter before it gets to cold.

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