Voices of LBHS | Teen Ink

Voices of LBHS

February 25, 2019
By Karlababbyy BRONZE, Sacramento, California
Karlababbyy BRONZE, Sacramento, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult- E.B. White

During summer, I moved which meant new neighborhood and a new school. The neighborhood was very different from my old one. Since my school still hadn’t started I had to get used to my whole block. It wasn’t that hard considering I wasn’t new to Sac, I just didn’t go to sac schools. When we first moved in our neighbors were very nice welcoming us. My mama was scared that we wouldn’t fit in. I had a couple people that lived near me,but  didn’t have the confidence to go up to them an introduce myself. Once school started me and my little sister dreaded it. We were so nervous, once I first stepped into school it felt kinda weird cause I’ve never seen a school weirdly laid out like that. But we stressed out for no reason because we found friends easily.

My family means everything to me. I don’t know what I would do without them. Even though I show my love in a different way doesn’t mean I don’t love them. My siblings are the ones that I go to when I’m dealing with teenager stuff, which helps a lot when I don’t want my parents knowing. I know I stress my parents out with my rebellious ways.. Considering that they always say I’m going to give them grey hairs. I love the support they give me even on things that aren’t suppose to matter. I want to make my parents proud , I want to see them smiling at me when I’m walking the stage to get my diploma. We are the next generation of what our ancestors dreamed of having. That motivates me to keep doing what I love. When my parents tell me their dreams they had when they were younger saddens me because I get the chance to do the things they couldn’t do. My family is my everything.

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