This I Believe | Teen Ink

This I Believe

April 11, 2019
By Kimberly2021 BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
Kimberly2021 BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Appreciate Everything, Even the Smallest Moments

I believe that we should appreciate everything, even the smallest moments.

When I go to family dinners, it makes me cheerful to see everyone having a good time⎯even the kids⎯enjoy each other company.

Everyone looked happy, like if there wasn’t a worry in the world. I believe this is the most amazing thing in the world⎯happiness. Having someone care about you and look after you when you are sick and overfill you with memories and stories of their childhood.  A family dinner without laughter is like a playing board games by yourself⎯boring.

Almost every family dinner, there’s always something new or should I say someone new, for example: newly born cousin, soon to be mothers, or even surprise announcements.

Once my aunt told one person about her pregnancy hoping to surprise our family about the news⎯Spoiler Alert: that didn’t happen. News spread quickly through our family, I think even my aunt, who lives in Detroit, found out the news.

Sometimes when I go to the dinners, I bring up that story to get the atmosphere happy. Sometimes my family even bring up stories about me; all of them are embarrassing. But many of them, are stories of funny things I would do when I was younger.

Sometimes I go to the family dinners with one of my close friend, who I grew up with and who I consider my sister. And together we will record and take pictures together and with the family to capture the memory in a single picture.  

My family thought we're being silly. I don’t disagree, we did look funny standing on chairs to get the whole family in the picture. But I do it because I believe that we should appreciate it everything, even the smallest moments because you never know when it will be the last time you’ll see your family.

I’m not saying that you should always take pictures everywhere you go with your family. I’m just saying that everyone shouldn’t take their family for granted, many people would love to take your place. When you go with your family, appreciate everything, even the smallest moments.

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