My name | Teen Ink

My name

October 3, 2019
By 1Tucker BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1Tucker BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My name is interpreted as dark and rich or even light and bubbly. Rachael. The color purple. A template to interpret how you like. Dark like a storm cloud, light as a freshly laid  blanket of snow, or a combination of both. It’s a classic color for a classic name. A name that so many have. So many personalities.

From the sound of it, Rachael is a mix of smooth and choppy pronunciation. Ra and ael, choppily interrupted by the harsh ch.  Definitely a name that would frequent a highschool or shopping mall. Someone you would hear being called in a group of teenagers. A group of teenagers who irritate the rest of the mall’s occupants  A texture of smooth and flat material being broken up by rough and spiney pieces.  Like a cotton tee shirt disturbed by a burr. 

My mom and dad had a love for simple and popular names. I was named after a child my mother loved to babysit for as a teenager. Somehow the quaint and happy sounding name stuck with her to her mid thirties when she had me. 9 and 7 years past having my older sisters having similar basic names. Hailey and Madeline. Both common and sweet sounding names names that correspond to a light pink. Names that fit them—but not me.

It is unique in the way that it is spelt. Rachael. One of only few who spells it with the extra “a”. In many ways that reflects me as a person. Extra.  Before meeting me you may expect a basic  and everyday person, but with any further introduction you would find I enjoy hard work, the physical and emotional payoff of a job well done. Along with working  at barns, i’m not afraid to get messy.  Something that a Rachel wouldn’t find enjoyable.

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