A Sense of Appreciation | Teen Ink

A Sense of Appreciation

December 17, 2019
By amarialiebe BRONZE, Round Lake, Illinois
amarialiebe BRONZE, Round Lake, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was sitting on my bed, finishing up some math homework that was due the next day. My dog was resting on the end of my bed, and I was absentmindedly petting him with my foot. I shifted to a more comfortable position and moved my foot away for a few seconds. He whined and grumbled, licking my leg in hopes that I would continue to pay attention. I gave him a warning, but proceeded to stroke him with my foot. However, that was not enough for him. He complained and slid into my lap, attempting to kiss my face. He wasn’t much bigger than my forearm, but his nails were digging into my thighs. I pushed him off and quipped, “No!” I had been stuck on this math problem for a couple of minutes, and was not about to ignore it to give my dog a tummy rub. He continued to fuss and crawl all over me. I was getting more frustrated and nudged him off the bed. His barks became booms. That was my final straw as I kicked him out of my room. He plunked down outside my door. Finally, some peace and quiet, I thought. I sat down and continued on with my homework. Thirty seconds later, I heard low whines from outside my door. I ignored them and continued on. The whines got increasingly louder and louder until he was scratching at my door, as if he was being chased by a rabbit. I finally caved and opened the door. He tried to jump back on the bed but I refused. He gave up and curled up near me on the floor, staring at me longingly as I finished my homework. As soon as I finished and was moving around to put everything away, his whole body buzzed with excitement. “Fine, Ricky,” I laughed. “You can come up now!” He jumped up, covering me with kisses and grinning ear to ear as if he hasn’t seen me in years. The pure happiness he got just from being able to get a second of my attention reminded me that I’m all he’s got.

I may have my family and friends and brunches and show choir competitions and vacations and so much more, but he’s only got me (and my parents and brother, but I’m obviously his favorite). The little guy doesn’t have a long life, but he wants to spend the little time he has with me. He was old, and sick, and the least I could do was make these last few moments with him worthwhile. I may have many other things happening in my life, but putting down my phone or homework for a few minutes to give him an ounce of my love won’t kill me. Our pets don’t have events to go to, they just want to spend every second they can with you. They are part of your family, and are just as deserving of your love. 

My dog taught me that above all, you need to care for the people you love. You need to spend time with them. You never know when someone will leave you. Don’t take people for granted, because they will be gone before you know it. Who knew that a little furry guy who had no concept of time would teach my a valuable lesson about appreciation. He taught me that even if you’re just sitting on your bed, you can put down your math homework for the ones you love. 

The author's comments:

Inspired by “A Sense of Wonder” by John Medina 

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