Surfing the Summer Away | Teen Ink

Surfing the Summer Away

January 15, 2020
By ahs2020 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
ahs2020 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As the boat zooms off from the shoreline, the wake grows bigger and bigger. Lucy’s hair blows, as Danny gets jolted back and forth. Sitting around with our friends, debating who gets to go first and who gets a spot in the sun, smelling fresh air and the lakes morning dew we start another summer day on Okauchee Lake, Wisconsin.

Gliding through the channel, trying to keep the littlest wake possible, we blast Summer by Calvin Harris, catching glares. The sun pierces our skin and we know what a good day we have upon us.

Arriving to the body of the lake, the water ahead reflects the shore like a mirror. Looking at the trees over the water, it feels as if we entered a dimension that revolves around us. The water is so calm, we can’t tell if it’s even there. Above the trees, a baby blue sky with scattered white clouds looks as if it were a picture from a children's book.

As Carter leaps, breaking the once glass like water, he feels the chill surrounding his body. Lining his feet up strategically, he yells “ready” to Lucy as she cranks down the throttle. The boat flies forward and  the wake grows. We move as if we were skipping across the lake like a rock. 

As we turn down the blaring music and stop the propeller from spinning, we hear the waves crashing against the hull of the boat and the sounds of birds and other boats passing by. 

The sun softly sets in the distance. Magenta and copper appear in the sky and our minds wonder. Carter says, “What a fulfilling day.”  Seaweed floats past our boat, piece by piece and the ducks one by one. Fish settle down as we are ending our day, before we wonder when we are going to experience this next.

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