I hope of your well being. | Teen Ink

I hope of your well being.

August 16, 2021
By Anonymous

I still remember how we first met. It was the spring of 2012. We were in 2nd grade I think, it was our first day at that new school. You, your cousin and I were classfellows and we were in same section.

i can still recall those days when the lunch break would turn into a small eraser fight where boys and girls thre erasers at eachother. we were so small back then. i didn't notice you that much because back then you were just a classmate. The time passed and we were now in fourth grade that my best friend told me that she liked you, i still remember how happy i was because even back then i didn't think of you more than my classfellow. time passed and me and my best friend drifted apart as moved away.


In our middle school, or in some places where its called the 6th grade, i suddenly heard the rumor that you and my old best friend were dating and i felt a weird sting in my heart that i didn't know what was, after that whenever i saw you i felt......enchanted... This went on for almost 2-3 years....now, our middle school was ending when i came to know that  you guys were moving to the opposite part of the city, unfortunately for us, we live in a large city. It was almost your last week at that school that by luck i accidently texted you on your instagram account rather than your cousin and we started talking. Then when you left the school and i stopped seeing you on a daily basses i realised that i actually loved you. 

thankfully due to social media we kept in touch and became best friends eventually. Yes i know you confessed that you love me as well. but just know it has been more than 6 years now, we are soon starting college, we are still best friends and you still manage to flutter my heart day by day by taking care of me...and i assure you...i still love you.....

to my dear whom i named cinnamon roll for fun.

The author's comments:

note: this is a personal experience and if you had same experiences please comment...i would love to hear your story.

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