Earliest Childhood Memory | Teen Ink

Earliest Childhood Memory

January 5, 2022
By kdarnol BRONZE, Macon, Illinois
kdarnol BRONZE, Macon, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One day, my sister, two cousins, and I was really bored. We didn’t know what to do to cure our boredom. I then decided to make up a game. It was called the mattress game and you have to have a mattress and a concrete basement. Once you have your materials, you lay the mattress on the ground and turn it longways and prop it up on the wall. Everyone that is playing would have to stand in front of the mattress and the leader slams the mattress down and everybody runs. If you get hit, you're out.

We all decided that it was a good game to play. We were all taking turns slamming the mattress. It was finally my turn, I was so excited. Once everyone was in front of it, I slammed it down as hard as I could. Everyone was safe except for my cousin. We were all laughing until we realized that he didn’t come out, we moved the mattress off of him and there he was, covered in blood, I had broken his nose.

My mom called my aunt and she thought something really bad happened so she drove really fast to my house and started crying when she saw all the blood on his face. She took him to the hospital and they stopped the bleeding and said that when he’s 16 he can get it broken back into place. 

    I always knew that I was gonna have a great relationship with my cousins. And to this day, we still do stupid things like that.

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