My Favorite Age | Teen Ink

My Favorite Age

January 21, 2022
By Anonymous

I feel like I don't really like my age right now, but five years from now, I will look back thinking that I did. It's strange how that works. A majority of people nowadays will say 2016 was the year it went downhill and that it was considered the prime year, but if we were to go back to that time, many wouldn't think of it like that. This is most likely due to hindsight and nostalgia. Thinking about it, this year may not seem so great right now but I think it's never as bad as it seems. Personally, I would say I am looking forward to my twenties. This is because that's when life really begins. Like a bird jumping out of the nest, everything will change. I know that I will miss the comfort of my parents and siblings being around, but hopefully I find the right people to surround myself with. 

I am not someone who really enjoys major change. Even minor inconveniences make me think to myself, I just want to go to bed, even when I am not tired, but the thought of being independent really makes me motivated. Not only that, but not knowing what's to come is very exciting. I could end up anywhere like an in state school, out of state school, live in a dorm, rent a house with friends, it all depends on so many variables that no one knows what's going to happen. 

In your twenties, you can really do anything; travel the world, spend time with friends, etc. You are your own person and you get to mold yourself however you want to. This scares most people but I am really excited to see the perplexing, perceptive person I become. I understand that most of the things I am imagining will be crushed by the reality of school and getting a job, but I think if you learn to enjoy the little things, it will only make it worth it when it's over.

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