Uncontrollable Time | Teen Ink

Uncontrollable Time

May 28, 2022
By Anonymous

The coronavirus pandemic imposed worldwide isolation, creating a new experience for everyone.  This was an eye-opening experience for most of us, as it showed us to value our key experiences and people, but overall the time we have. Accepting and managing the passing of time has always been difficult for me, especially because I am prone to procrastination. This often leads to stressful situations, most commonly me rushing to complete my assignments. While in an in-person school environment, a staff member at my school was always there to remind me to stay on track with my grades. Through the experience the pandemic provided me, I fell deeper into procrastination, as I was now completely responsible for my education, teaching me just how quickly time passes and how I can optimize the time I have.

Time management is one of the hardest things to control.  I often lose track of time as I tend to easily divert my attention to something other than the task at hand. There just isn't enough time for me to focus after doing so many things in one day. Time management combined with an overload of work does not make a great combination. This is a critical problem to resolve because this way of working is certain to fail as the amount of work increases. I also want to solve this problem because it would allow me to use breaks freely without having to worry about the work I procrastinate on. Also try to slow down how fast I lose attention at work and get distracted. 

However, controlling time is no easy task, especially since I easily get distracted. To stop this, I could schedule multiple times throughout the day to work on assignments, rather than try and fit all the work into one sitting. This makes it so the work is all split up so that I have each time, making the task seem less daunting and more doable. Even when I underestimate the time, I will have more time for me to catch up. The biggest challenge to this solution is that the problem falls in once again and I miss something. To further explain, I might switch back to procrastinating if I miss an assignment and am not able to do the amount of work at the same time.  To stop this, I need to practice being able to organize my schedule in the case of an unexpected event happening as well. By unexpected event I mean me not feeling like doing my work. Also, to  further stop procrastinating I can set up a separate workspace for just working. This work space will be isolated and without anything for me to get distracted by.  Using these steps, I would like to solve how I procrastinate.

I mainly want to learn how to stop procrastinating because it gets in the way of my day as well as makes me forget assignments or rush them and it just makes me stressed out.  I plan to solve this problem by dividing up the time I work and setting up a workspace so that I can’t get distracted in the first place.  Using these methods, I would like to be able to control my time management.  Maybe if people could manage their time better, we could all be doing better as a society.  

The author's comments:

This piece tells about how procastinating is one of my biggest flaws.

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