Name Essay | Teen Ink

Name Essay

October 10, 2022
By bmeissner BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
bmeissner BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Braden. Not an extremely common name, but also not overused. The underestimated one they say. It’s of Irish origin. Hardwork and gratitude within the six letters. They are just letters, but they describe seventeen years of my life. The simple six letter word, with a complicated individual attached to it. 

Many like the name, as do I. It reminds me of simplicity and hard work, which brings me joy. Simplistic thoughts, just as simple as my name. Braden is working in a shop, a machine shop. The dirty, dusty, loud shop. The loud that makes your ears pulse. Everything you didn’t want. The shop with the nasty smell that lingers on yourself. The smell no one wants. 

The number 3. When I think of the number 3, I think of a light blue sky early in the morning. The kind you see when you wake up looking out your window. The bright light consumes your vision. The light blue ski that swarms the orange of the sun. The color that makes you look in awe. Astonishing.

I believe my name suits me, simply because of the meaning and complexity. I like the way it looks. This name flows within me, similar to the way a stream flows. Sometimes rough water, sometimes smooth, depending on the day. Braden may be complicated one day and chill the next day.

I feel comfortable with the name I have been given. I hear this name and think of the experiences I’ve had. Seeing what I’ve accomplished. At times, I find a way to spread positivity to me, and others around me. I give meaning to this name, Braden.

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