Passing On Acts Of Kindness | Teen Ink

Passing On Acts Of Kindness

October 30, 2022
By giapatel BRONZE, Congers, New York
giapatel BRONZE, Congers, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Everybody has their bad days. Sometimes, it may feel like whatever you do, it just doesn’t get better. On the day I remember as June 28, 2022, my older sister made it her job to make me feel better. Of course, her way was to buy me Starbucks. What doesn’t cheer you up more than an iced frappuccino or a cake pop? While the treat seemed appealing to me, it wasn’t enough to bring me out of my grouchy mood. I can still remember my sister’s horrible driving skills, and the rap music blaring through the speakers. When we made it to the end of the long line at the drive through, I remember ordering a grande iced chai latte. You may be thinking, why is this important; or what does this have to do with acts of kindness? Well, when we made it up the drive through to pay for my drink, I distinctly remember the kind-hearted barista telling us that the car ahead of us paid for our drink. Instantly, I thought of the trend on youtube about how youtubers would pay for the people behind them in a drive through no matter how much the order costs. Even though a stranger spending 6 dollars on a drink isn’t a large act of kindness, the deed turned my day around for the better. To pay them back, we decided to pass the deed on and pay for the next people behind us hoping that we made their day better too, especially if they weren’t having a good one like me.

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