Night time | Teen Ink

Night time

November 3, 2022
By Anonymous

The house was quiet, everyone was asleep but him. He laid in bed unable to fall asleep. He could not make himself comfortable now matter how much he tossed and turned. He lay there wishing that he could rest, looking at the white plastered ceiling with nervousness as he thought of school tomorrow.  The temperature was chilly as the window was open, a steady breeze blew in. He could hear the crickets outside, chirping like a drum to a steady beat. He listened as he tried to fall asleep again in vain but he could not. Finally he got up and walked across the house, his bare feet tapping against the wood. He filled a glass of water and drank slowly the cold liquid running down his throat, refreshing him. He checked the clock, 4 am, and slowly walked back to his room, his feet padding across the ground. He turned on his lamp and read, turning the creased paper pages slowly. Inhaling the knowledge as he read and read. Finally he turned off the lamp and curled underneath the covers. Finally drifting off to the dark abyss of slumber.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece based on a real life experience in which I could not sleep for a week and what it was like. I tried to make it as descriptive as possible using imagery with the five senses. I made it appear as empty as possible where everything is quiet and peaceful. I wrote in third person to give a wider perspective of what is going on and tried to use anaphora with the word finally to provide a rhythm and make it seem like time is passing slowly.

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