What the United States Flag Stands For | Teen Ink

What the United States Flag Stands For

November 4, 2022
By 4peterson BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4peterson BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Reds rupture, blues burst, and whites whizz through the empty black sky. The vivid color illuminates the festivities below. Flames sizzle on the grill as families get together to share traditional American Food. Desserts are decorated with red lines and tarnished with sprinkles of blue. Freedom is here. 

Players are lined up down first base line, cleats covered in dirt and clean uniforms awaiting their foreseen mud bath. Eagerness and anticipation streams through the seats of the stadium. If it is quiet enough, you can hear the sound of pride ring like Christmas bells. Freedom is here. 

The common but slightly dreaded ring of the school bell goes off and the day has started. Teachers and students stand and begin, “I pledge allegiance…”. The only thing everyone in school has in common is the memorization of this patriotic pledge. “And to the republic….”. Hands placed over hearts, flags in the corner of every room: “with liberty and justice for all.” We all take a seat. Freedom is here. 

For every new beginning or end, America has fought and supported equality and comfort for its citizens. The reds white and blues signify the fight and passion America continues to grow off of. The people, good people, fighting for a banner that stands for every personal freedom sculpts America into the country it is today.

The school lunchroom was engulfed in patriotic paper trinkets. Laughter bursts from every table, where veterans and their families were eating the annual “Veterans Day Breakfast.” I remember hugging my grandpa, the look of excitement and love in his eyes. I also remember hearing the gun shots at his funeral, the 21-gun salute. My grandpa was one of the best men I’ve ever met. Honest, proud, brave, and most importantly selfless. He was exactly what the flag stood for. So as reds blues and whites rupture burst and whizz through the sky I watch them in awe and remember what they stand for. The fight, the passion, the grit, and the overall selflessness of our country. Freedom rings here.

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