Procrastinating | Teen Ink


January 17, 2023
By Alex_Mills SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
Alex_Mills SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Always waiting until the last moment, I’m the kind of person who doesn’t like to pay attention and follow along. Getting the work done is not something I want to do, but I always get it done. Almost always waiting till last minute to do assignments. 

I play games against myself by putting my future self at a disadvantage. I believe that my procrastination comes from the confidence to do something at a later time and have other priorities. This comes with advantages and disadvantages for me. I’m like an animal trying to fight itself when it sees its own reflection. My advantage is that I can choose to enjoy something I want until something else is about to be due. At the cost of my advantage, I add the stress of limited time for completing something.

 In some ways, I think waiting until the last second helps me focus since it implies urgency to myself. Knowing that there is no other choice but to get something done at that moment.  My ability to focus when something isn’t needing to be done is terrible. My focus is equivalent to a goldfish. I’m the person at the airport who’s running to not miss their flight. Getting my work done when I don’t feel it is necessary to be done makes me less productive. For me when doing something ahead of time typically would make me take much longer than when under pressure from lack of focus.

If I could pay attention better, I believe the benefit would make it so that I would have more time for the things I want to do. If I could pay attention better, my life would be more simple. If I could pay attention better, I would be more successful. If I could pay attention better, I would remove unnecessary stress.

Procrastination to me is gamifying to create more enjoyment. Procrastination has many different backstories. Sometimes reasoning can be the dread of getting something done, or can also be selective with priorities and knowing what is important. 

Procrastination at the end of the day is how much motivation and the amount of control someone has over themselves. I hope to improve my procrastination, or forever be stuck in the trap that I have on myself…

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