The Farm Fiasco | Teen Ink

The Farm Fiasco

January 19, 2023
By Anonymous

                                                       The Farm Fiasco 
       “Caleb! You're on sweeping duty. I want this back porch to shine! Sophia and Caitlin! You two can take the Gator out to go feed the cows. (The Gator is a type of 4-wheeler). And Mia! You go feed the chickens, then go help Caleb with the porch. Everybody good? Ok, GO!” 
 My family and I were over visiting my grandma. As usual, whenever we got there, my uncle would give jobs to me and my cousins. He would assign us things that needed to be done, but he didn’t want to do them. I was told to feed the chickens, then help my cousin sweep the porch.  

“Sounds easy enough!” I thought to myself. Boy was I wrong.  
       I went to the shed that they had in their backyard. I found the chicken food and made my way over to where the chickens were waddling around, clucking away at anything that got close to them. They seemed a bit intimidating, but I didn’t let that stop me. I made my way through the wire door of the pen where the chickens were being held. As soon as they saw me with a big bag of something in my hand, they seemed to be intrigued, like they knew something was going on. Soon, the chickens quieted down and gathered around me. Clucking every once in a while, with a questioning look on their faces. Their eyes felt like daggers, piercing through my soul. I froze. I tried to call out for help, but nothing came out. I was just standing there, stiff as a statue, at the hands of these small feathered demons. I didn’t realize how tight I was squeezing the bag of food, until a few grains fell out. That’s when I knew I was toast. Those spawns of Satan knew what I grasped so tightly in my arms. The secret was out. There was no turning back. I had what they wanted, and they would do anything to get it. 
       Suddenly, they started clucking like crazy, flapping their wings, moving closer, and closer to where I was standing. It was at that moment I realized their blood thirsty beaks would stop at nothing to get a hold of the bag of food that I still held tight. It was life or death. Me or them. And I wasn’t about to give my life to some chickens. No. Not today. I squeezed a little tighter on the bag, gaining my confidence back. A little more food fell out of the bag. The chickens looked at it then looked at me. That’s when I knew it was time to run. Suddenly I bolted to the other side of the pen, the chickens followed, flapping their wings and snapping their beaks.  Before I knew it, I was faced with a life-threatening game of tag. I had trained for this moment. All those days on the elementary school playground finally payed off. I ran in circles around the pen as the chickens followed, picking up bits of food that were falling from my bag to the ground.

“Please have mercy!” I yelled to the chickens  

“I’m only 8! I am too young to die! My parents are taking me to Disney World next month! I can’t miss that!”

       I was on the verge of tears, still running for my life from these lethal chickens.  
       My uncle came around to check on everyone and see how much work we got done over the last 20 mins or so. He went to go check on my cousin Caleb, expecting me to be there working happily alongside him. But I was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly he heard the chickens going crazy and screams coming from a little girl. He ran around to the chicken house to see what in the world was going on. When he saw the fiasco at hand, he couldn’t help but laugh. I for one, did not think that was the proper reaction when seeing that your niece is about to get devoured by a group of chickens. He jogged over to where I was, reached over the fence and pulled me out, letting me escape death by just a few seconds. I made him promise that he would never make me feed the chickens again. After I got cleaned up, I went to the back porch and finished sweeping it with my cousin. And to this day, I have yet to go back to that wretched place, where 3 blood thirsty demons almost cost me my life. 

The author's comments:

This story is a personal experience that I had while helping out my uncle.

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This article has 1 comment.

mia-jarrett said...
on Feb. 14 2023 at 2:15 am
mia-jarrett, Tirana, Connecticut
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Hi! I'm Mia. I love writing and a kale smoothie in the morning. ;) I love my kids. I have 3. They have been the light of my life ever since Johnny left me. It was tough at first but I soon realized that the fact that Johnny doesnt love me anymore shouldn't take away from the life that my children deserve. But I mean seriously, you eat one person and suddenly he "doesn't know who you are anymore." Husbands am I right ;). Anyway, I made this account for all those single pringles out there who need a safe space to talk about the secrets that eat them alive from the inside. I also just wanted to say.... suck it Johnny, I win. # loveya'll #girlsgonewild

Thank you guys for all the support!!!!! I will keep you updated on any of my new ideas and stories :) You guys mean so much to me and I can't believe that I've come this far. And it's all thanks to you!!!!!