Skating | Teen Ink


April 3, 2023
By Anonymous

   I love going skating every single weekend. I always go with my friends Alana and Trisha. It is a lot of fun to skate around, talk to people we know, talk to the two workers Jameson and Austin, and  do mostly what we want. I always chose to go the day Austin goes cause he is the nicer worker. I do not want to be alone with Jameson. He is one of the meanest workers.

We like to annoy those two workers. Austin lets us do mostly what we want, Jameson lets us do nothing. He doesnt like that we all have our phones on the skating rink. But personally I dont really care, I dont even hurt kids. I actually watch where I'm going and I go to the outer part of the skating rink.

When we spin the pin at skating you either pick the snackbar wall or the mirror wall. It seems like Austin makes the pin land on the snackbar wall because every time we go to the snackbar wall Austin spins the pin and pushes it so it lands on the side we chose. Jameson and Austin always laugh at us when we fall but he helps us and makes sure we're ok. 


I love skating so much. It really makes me so happy. One thing Me and alana and trisha do is  have this thing at skating where we spy on the two workers. We find somewhere to hide and then we text Jameson and Austin, “come find us”. Yes we do it on their breaks because they need to do their job.  

Me, Raniyah, Trisha, Alana and Kendell all went skating last weekend on saturday. Jameson was being a little nicer and Austin was acting the same. Jameson kept tripping Trisha and Alana. Austin kept tripping me and Raniyah. Kendall got lucky. Last weekend was so much fun because on friday us five girls had a sleepover. Then Saturday morning we all got ready together and did each other's makeup to get ready for skating. Skating was from 12:00-5:30PM. This weekend is a weekend I will never forget. 

That whole 24 hours we ate snacks and then when we went skating we ate more snacks. The night before skating we all had a shaving cream party in my room. My room was already messy but we made that worse. I had two big bottles full of shaving cream and we just started putting it on our hands and touching each other’s hair and maybe had a play fight. It was very worth it. But then we had to all take a shower because it was all in our hair and all over us. Alana was mostly recording but still. This weekend was so much fun then going skating right after made it better

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