Up North | Teen Ink

Up North

May 16, 2024
By Alex_Mills SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
Alex_Mills SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was 14 years old and my family and I were about to start a 4-hour drive up north to Minocqua, Wisconsin. During the summertime, we frequently would go up to our place in the middle of the woods. 

Once we arrived it would be around 8 P.M. and it was extremely dark in the woods since there were no lights. We would unpack our things from the car as quickly as we could before we got bit by too many mosquitoes. After unpacking we would relax for a while and then head to bed.

 The morning after I would wake up around 10 A.M. and see the sun shining through the blinds. I could hear my family already awake and waiting for me to get up. I would come out of my room and my parents and siblings would tell me to hurry up so we could go to the lake. I went outside and helped my dad pull the boat out of the garage and attach it to the truck. We would all put on our sunscreen and then get into the car and start the drive to the lake. 

Once we got to the lake we would grab our things and my dad would begin to back the boat trailer into the lake. We waited for the boat to come off the trailer and then grab it from the peer. After my dad parked the truck we would then start looking for a place to relax on the lake.

We sat on the boat with the hot sun beaming down on us. After some time, we would jump in the water and swim whenever we got too hot. I would sit there somewhat annoyed wondering why we would just be sitting there doing what seemed to be nothing to me. My parents would always tell me that they enjoy the time sitting there and relaxing. 

Now that I am 18 years old, I understand why my parents enjoyed our vacations at the lake. At the time I would rather play video games or hang out with my friends. I look forward to spending time with my family up north this summer.

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