The Place to Never Erase | Teen Ink

The Place to Never Erase

April 29, 2010
By julieanne7 BRONZE, Commack, New York
julieanne7 BRONZE, Commack, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My room welcomes you as the bright sunshine beams in through the wide, open windows. The warm, French vanilla paint coats the walls, complimenting the mixed-and-matched furniture. A variety of colors set off the room creating a glow and burst of energy. My parakeets chirp, singing a lullaby of sweetness as you hear voices and laughs sneaking through the cracks of the door. The pitter-patter of footsteps creeps through the ceiling from the neighbors above, as the doors on the other side of the wall screech open and shut. Aromas fill the air as the fumes from perfume combine with the sweet smell of cookies leading its way through the opening in my doorway. I can almost taste the cookies melting in my mouth. The trace of perfume gently tickles the tip of my nose, as the fresh air from the breeze delicately whispers in my ears and makes its way to my mouth with each breath I take. The soft pillowcase touches my cheek as I rest my head down and climb into my cozy, warm bed; faces of dolls staring off as I fall asleep after a long day.

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