The Good Stuff | Teen Ink

The Good Stuff

May 10, 2010
By Anonymous

Daffodils are delicate, or are they? When a person hears the word daffodil, rarely does sturdy, strong, rough, or brawny come mind. From the human eye a daffodil makes a person feel happy with their yellow appearance so sweet an innocent on the ground. Our culture views yellow as a natural sign of hope, such as the yellow ribbons family members often flaunt while awaiting a soldier to return home. Yellow associates with happiness and cheerfulness, like the sun. Never do daffodils look tough or macho. Although the outer appearance makes the biggest first impression, looking beyond the outer layer can often lead to more.
Daffodils resemble me as a person. A lot of people may think they can walk all over me, but those people are mistaken. Just because I may come off as naive or a push-over does not mean that I can not hold my own. Daffodils get the hard job of being the first flowers every year to bloom from the gloomy ground when spring time rolls around. That takes a lot of work. For something with such a delightful exterior a lot of tedious work is going on inside the daffodil that many people over look.
Daffodils represent my journey as a person by their ability to reach the surface. Although the daffodils must get through the freezing ground and survive winter’s devastation they still reach the top like they planned too. Ponder the obvious; some of the prettiest people turn out to be the evilest creatures in the end. On the other hand, some people assume if beauty is obtained then no further desired qualities are held, for example the “dumb blonde.” Looks deceive our society and cripple our relationships with others, and relationships we never obtained because of a person’s appearance. Fighting the temperatures, dirt critters, and humans takes a lot of mind-over-matter and brawny; give the daffodils more credit! Why rule them out as nothing more then something nice to look at?
I consider myself a very closed off person who keeps to herself. I do not like to flaunt my business publicly and when it comes to being emotional, forget it. Seeing me at school every day, and knowing me are two different things. Outer appearances do not always reflect the inner person. Just because daffodils look beautiful and so majestic does not mean they do not go through a lot of crap to look that way. They stand through frost, rain, cold temperatures, animals, excessive heat, and wind. Dainty and delicate on the outside, the inside holds abundant strength. My friends might describe me as a cold wall. I never cry, and I keep my problems to myself. I grew up in a house where emotions were portrayed as a weakness. I consider myself a very private person, not for any particular reason, just one of my many traits. Sympathy makes me uncomfortable and I learned quickly how to avoid it. The old saying, “Paint a smile on your face,” became my motto and the only way I knew how to react to things. My appearance can be deceiving. I do not see myself as a bad person for it, but people mistakenly judge me when they take me for only what they see on the outside.
Daffodils come off as the flower that obtains incredible strength and courage to endure all that it does. On the other hand those daffodils may seem cheerful, and precious. It all depends on who portrays them, and who takes the time to see them from a different view then the everyday one. The daffodil represents me in a certain way because we both prove that what appears on the outside does not always resemble the inside. From vulnerable and cheerful on the outside, to powerful and invincible on the inside a daffodil compares to me in a way no other object can.

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