Party Time | Teen Ink

Party Time

May 28, 2010
By Nicole Hollis BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
Nicole Hollis BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I have been waiting for this way too long; I just wanted them all to be here right now. I just wanted to hang out, me and my closest friends. So we threw a party for my thirteenth birthday, I haven’t had one in years.

“Ding dong” the door bell rang. We opened the door to see two familiar faces: a friend of mine and a friend of my brother’s. Smiling like crazy, we headed to the back yard. The over portioned soccer ball was chased and kicked around. Soon my other friends seemed to flood out of the door. Excitedly, I ran up to them, “Hi, glad you could make it.” I would greet them. I told them to do anything they wanted.- Some people decided to play games like air hokey, some were on the trampoline, some people were listening to the music, and others were just talking and hanging out.

I got myself a bottle of water and then offered my friend a can of pop. I then called, “If any one gets thirsty there is a cooler out side, help your self.” - I couldn’t decide what I wanted to do and who I wanted to hang out with. So I did a little of everything. I found myself sitting with a group of my friends. I eventually got up and tried to get some of my buddies to dance along with me. Laughing, they shook there heads at me. I faked that I was upset by frowning and sat back down. They knew that I was obviously fine when I grinned at them.

“Alright guys, now I’m kind of hungry from dancing, BY MYSELF.” I said, teasing. Over by the snacks I watched as someone casually put a cup of trail mix, that we provided, into my brother’s gift bag that they were going to give him. I grinned as she looked up.

Surprisingly, it was time to go up and eat and open the presents. I almost didn’t want to I was having too much fun as it was. As everyone dug into their pizza we continued the conversation and laughs. The gifts were a nice bonus but being with my best friends was the best gift of all.

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