Shopping Fever | Teen Ink

Shopping Fever

June 2, 2010
By Heather Williams BRONZE, Long Beach, California
Heather Williams BRONZE, Long Beach, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Itching can be irritating. Once you have it, there is basically nothing you can do to stop it. It seems to come and go when pleases, and spreads all over. Whenever I'm shopping and I see some new purses or shoes the itching fever consumes me. I'm not in real time anymore. Everything seems to be paused, and that's when I know this disease has started.

All of my friends can contest that I have a shoe and purse problem. Once they see me darting off like a bullet to a store, they all start to moan and groan. But what can I do, I am merely a host to this type of cancer. I can't help it or control it, this thing controls my mind. I can spend hours in a store trying on shoe after shoe or looking at rows of purses. I'm like the little kid at a museum who has his face slobbering all over the glass container, the dog jumping up at the dinner time trying to get some real food.

My parents try to stop me from buying new shoes and bags. Whenever I see something I want to buy, they remind me that I would have to get rid of something. When you enter my room you will notice that I have a shoe holder on my door that is now full of shoes, strictly heels, sandals, and flats. Against the southern wall is my sports locker, all of my work out clothes are in there. The only place for my sport shoes is on the floor nicely lined up to it. This line includes tennis shoes, volleyball shoes, my backup pairs of cleats, and my Addidas sandals.

Where my dresser is, one drawer is reserved for my boots. These aren't just any boots, these are my high heel boots, and my horseback riding boots. On the floor next to this drawer are all of my warm fuzzy boots. My black, gray, tan uggs. As you can tell, I'm not short of shoes, but this has become an addiction. In my closet I have many shelves, but the largest one holds my purses. I don't even know what purses are in there anymore, because the pile has gotten so high.

My parents, being concerned, went to see the movie Confessions of a Shopaholic, they bought me the movie, and sat me down to watch it. They were afraid that I was going to become like Becky Bloomwod. I ended up loving the movie, and showed it to all of my friends, and pretty much everyone agrees that I'm going to be somewhat like her. They feel that I won't end up in massive debt like she did though, and I agree.

Even though I have this addiction, I know how to spend my money wisely now. Everyday is a stepping stone but I am doing much better. Instead of buying new shoes, I'm “recycling” or borrowing my sister's. With my purses, I have recently went through the pile and threw out the ones I don't use anymore. With a little more patience, and practice, I will overcome this.

The author's comments:
My teacher told us to write something about itching either litteral or metaphorically.

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