Home to Me | Teen Ink

Home to Me

May 28, 2010
By Anonymous

According to Wikipedia Culver is “A small town located in Culver, IN…The population was 1,539 at the 2000 census…[and] the town is best known for having one of the best boarding schools in the US, the Culver Academies”(Wikipedia). My definition of Culver is Home. I don’t know how much the population has changed or if Culver is one of the best boarding schools in America, but it is the place I feel the most comfortable and relaxed.
My mom told me that when we first moved here she had no idea what it was going to be like raising children in rural Indiana. She grew up in the suburbs of Pittsburgh and spent most of her teenage years running around the city. I however learned to love the peace and quiet that came with the small town. A lot of people here, at the Academy, have asked me what it was like to grow up in such an isolated place with little to do and not many people. I normally respond that I loved it. To me the town of Culver was much more like a family than it was a place.
The one thing about Culver that I have always found fascinating is its duel personality. To me I feel like I have two different homes. In the summer Culver is full of life. There are people everywhere. The lake is busy there are more than two cars at a stop sign, and sometimes you even have to wait to be seated in a restaurant. The winter in Culver is much different. It is much mellower. There is a certain flow; like everything has a time and place and eventually we’ll get there. However as much fun as I have during both of these my favorite time at Culver and the time I feel most at home are the few weeks before school starts and everyone has already left that leave just those of us who live here. During that time Culver is one of the most relaxing peaceful places to be. Going out on the lake on a hot August day and being one of two boats is so much fun, and it’s always fun to walk downtown and run into a group of friends.
I know that all of those things sound trivial however they are what make Culver so homey to me.

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