Trust Me | Teen Ink

Trust Me

June 4, 2010
By Janintzin Rodriguez BRONZE, Tukwila, Washington
Janintzin Rodriguez BRONZE, Tukwila, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I know that you have been together for about two years now. You always tell me that you love him. But how can you really love someone that always treats you like crap? I really don’t understand how whenever you talk about him, its all negative stuff. I just have a tentative feeling about him. That he either made you cry or that he hurt your feelings. But yet, you’re still with him. I know that he might act different with you when you guys are together alone but I wouldn’t be able to be with someone who makes me cry and sad in front of all my friends. He is so rude and acts like doesn’t even care bout anything, especially about you. I truly think that if he really loved you like you tell me he does he would act so different. It might take a while for you to get over him because you guys have been through so much but there are other fish in the sea that can treat you a lot better. It’ll be hard for sure but I can help you through it. I will keep being persistent and keep letting you know how I feel about him. I hate to see you like this because you’re my best friend and I know you can find someone better. There have been times that you’ve called me crying because of something he did. I just want you to actually be happy with someone. The longer that you last with him, the harder its going to get for you guys to brake up and move on, because you’re just going to get attached to him. And you’re now learning to be tolerant with him. You’re only 15, you will date a lot other guys. Just trust me with this one. Don’t waste your time on him. Try being single without him and see how it goes.

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