Mystrey Girl | Teen Ink

Mystrey Girl

May 20, 2010
By Anonymous

I saw a girl that I had dreamt of in my dreams.
Her hair looks likes a crown of gold. It flows in the wind. Her smile looks like it came from heven. Everything about her is beautiful. The only thing is that she is a mystrey and no one will ever know her. She looks in to your eyes like you and her are the only ones one earth. It is a perfect match. I run up her so I could hold her in my arms. Then "Poof!" she is gone in a blink of an eye. I never see her again. I lie on my pillow just thinking of her. I shed a tear or two. My alarm clock buzzes at me while I just agnore it. I get ready for school and all I can think about is her. I walk to school for it is rather chilly outside. I can hear the leaves crumble under my feet as I walk on. As I reach school I walk into homeroom and there she is standing in front of me. We both had seen each other and I think that she knew who I was too. The mystrey girl had finally come true.

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