Nothing Else Matters | Teen Ink

Nothing Else Matters

June 10, 2010
By Phoenix.Rose. BRONZE, Mesquite, Texas
Phoenix.Rose. BRONZE, Mesquite, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
In a world where you can be anything, be yourself.

I'm begining to feel like I'm blending in. Like nothing else matters anymore. Days are begining to blur together. I can't tell day from night. I walk through the daily routines in a daze. I don't feel pain. I think I'm falling for someone, but I would think I would be happier. If I don't talk to her, my life feels like its just a burdon, weighing me down from being what I can do. I need to do something to get to her. I'd walk, run, even steal a car to get to her. If i don't speak to her, I have no reason to be alive. I feel like I can only talk to two people in this world. Her and Makylie. [Nothing Else Matters] The two most beautiful people in the world. Her and Makylie. She is my everything. The reason why I wake. The reason I eat. The reason I BREATHE. [My Everything?] I don't know anything anymore. I can't remember the last time i haven't thought of her. She's in my every thought. Every movement. Everything I do is because of her. When I can't talk to her [NOTHING ELSE MATTERS]

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