The Ohio Road Trip | Teen Ink

The Ohio Road Trip

July 22, 2010
By shay-shay BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
shay-shay BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
i am a star!

One warm and hot morning my aunt, cousin, and I all got up at six-thirty in the morning and got ready then after we were done getting dressed we ate our breakfast. “We had some eggs, sausages, bacon, and grits!" Every thing was going as planned. “Umm that food was so good.” We waited a whole hour to leave. Just then our ride finally arrived and we had to go to and pick up the van that we rented, as soon as we got the van we had to go pick up the other ladies from the church, we also had to go to Indianapolis to pick up one more lady. “Finally we are off to Ohio!”

I was really glad to be going to Ohio for my first youth conference. My cousin said, “What are we going to do at the conference?” and I replied, “ There might be a lot of people coming in talking to us about important things, and that there might be a lot of activities set up for us!”

We drove for four whole hours but as we drove we saw lots of pretty animals. Once we got there we went up to our hotel room to change our clothes and fix our hair over. While I was watching T.V. we heard a knock at the door and it was sis. Lewis and she told us that we were getting ready to go to famous Daves then we were going to go to the church. As soon as we got to the church we went where all of the other young girls were at. We did step up and win a prize and once they did the raffle I heard my name get called out of the box and I got really scared but I still got up and went and chose me some real jewelry. I had a lot of fun that day and then when we got back to the hotel we into the lobby to warm up our food, then we got back upstairs me and my aunt went to sleep, except my big cousin she was up all night on the phone with her boyfriend. Then the next day we went back to the church, after we left the church we went to golden corral.

Last but not least we got back on the road to go home because I got really home sick. I am looking forward to going back next year, it was really fun.

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