Our bond will never die | Teen Ink

Our bond will never die

August 9, 2010
By purplelove1 BRONZE, Mendon, Michigan
purplelove1 BRONZE, Mendon, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today"~James Dean

I remember spending time with his family. I remember huntung and having fun! We talked, we had fun, we loved each other like brother sister. I never thought that would end. He went into middle school and I was still in elementary. We went our seperate ways. I was in 7th grade and we noticed each other. We said hi and went on with our day. I wish I spent more time with him. Two months after my sister's best friend had died when a drunk driver hit him, MY best friend was killed. He was killed doin the thing he loved. He was hunting with his uncle and as I was told the gun "accidentally" went off and shot Nate in the heart. Hearing it ten minutes after it happened shocked me. I prayed and prayed and hoped he would survive. That night we went shopping at Wal-Mart and a family friend told me he died. I held the tears until I got home. We out groceries away and I went to my room. I broke down, cried all night. I went to school and eveyone tried to act normal but I couldn't. My best friend was just killed and they wanted me to go back to normal! I couldn't. It took me forver to get over the fact he was gone. It made me want to go back in time and spend more time with him. It hurt so bad when he died and I knew that our sibling bond would never die. Rest in peace Nate, we all miss you and love you!

The author's comments:
Death changes us all, I regret not spendin time with him. All I have to say is to spend time with those you love as much as possible. Smallest things can take everything from you!

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