Wishing in the Waves of Summer | Teen Ink

Wishing in the Waves of Summer

August 13, 2010
By Anonymous

A season of relaxation, exhalation and a welcome of pina coladas, friends, the ocean; and most of all...love.
We teenage girls want some fun in the summer, especially when this fun is towards boys. You see a handsome guy on the beach and he looks at YOU. Your heart flutters for the teeniest second, thinking he is THE ONE; but there comes a beautiful girl rushing up to him, crushing you and your hopes. He doesn't look back, but he does put his arm around the girl, twisting your heart.
You recede into the calm waves, that always crash where you hope they crash. The waves swallow you in their own love and care and you get washed away into your own world. With perfections surrounding you: the sun, a slight breeze, the gulls of the birds above and your own brain thinking.
You hope that for a moment a boy will think of you without guilt, but with the inncocence of a single teenage boy. You hope that there will be a guy that has the guts to come up to you and say, "Hello, stranger. My name is..." "How are are you?" "You're really pretty." Simple things like that would be most appreciated by us teenage girls. But blossoms of love never take action as we think they will, do they girls? And the boys who are reading this. Make sure if you see a girl not surrounded by guys, has nice faraway, sincere, true qualities, to go up to her and make a friendly comment. Nothing but the best can happen from there.

You are still in the ocean, hoping. Suddenly, a silent stream of water brushes across your face. You turn in the direction of the surprising launch and see a teenage boy, the boy of your dreams, the boy you find very very rarely. He says, "Hello, stranger. How are you on this fine day?" His eyes are kind. His body is built. His face is nice. His hair is glossy and his smile tops it all. And this(teenage girls who are devouring this) is what happens when you are wishing in the waves of Summer...

The author's comments:
I just had to write something about young love.

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