When Will it Stop.... | Teen Ink

When Will it Stop....

August 28, 2010
By ronim BRONZE, Menifee, California
ronim BRONZE, Menifee, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There is always a lie in a conversation. Wheather it is you or the other person it does not matter both of you are effected.

When you have a true best friend u dont look at them as a friend anymore, you think of them as family. And you dont want them to be in any pain emotionaly or physicaly no matter how stupidly they act. And sadly that is the case in this story.
My "sister" Joan is about the same age as me and we are realy close. She is not realy my sister but is like one. Joan always happens to follow right in my footsteps in everything i do. Im going to start off with the first thing on the list.
I was so estatic he finaly asked me out! Still in shock he asked me to cheat but now they broke up after i refused cuz that was moraly wrong. Finaly i got to school it was boring nothing happend between us. It was like that for a month. Finaly we split. I felt alot better and pleased. Then i found out his dirty little secret.
He had been cheating on me with my "friend" Lucy. And not only me but all his past girlfriends. I never told him i found our because it was over with and i didnt want to start something that was obviously finished. I get a call a week later from my bestie Joan saying she was so happy my ex, Chris, asked her out. She called to ask my permission. I realy didnt care i was over him so i said yes. At the time i didnt relize that would be a big mistake.

I was suprized they only went out for three days. Then Chris went out with Lucy. I could kinda tell there was still something between him and Joan and i asked about it she told me she was cheating with him. I was furious! i told her everyone was going to fing out and people will think she was the school s***. What she was doing was Plain wrong. She kept saying i no i no but i love him and he loves me too. I new he didnt and i told her that but still she didnt listen.

It went on. And on. And on.

Untill one day Chris asked for advice because Lucy found out. Not thinking i gave him a realy good lie to say to her and she belived it. I felt kinda bad for her. then a month later Joan calls me up crying saying everyone found out and people were calling her a s***. i thought to my self wow that sounds familiar. She said she was sorry and how i had been right and she will listen to me next time. So i told her exsactly wha she needed to do. End it with Chris. Tell Lucy how sory you are and dont be seen with Chris. She did as i advised her to do. Or so i thought.

School ended and it was summer. I looked on Joans facebook and saw she added one of my ex boyfriends i was not ok with her dating. I asked why she added him because they didnt evan no each other and she said it was nothing and ffolishly i belived her. A couple days later she called me saying this guy was going to put picture all over facebook she had sent him and i asked what went on between them once again. She said she had been sending him pictures for the past couple of days (make sure you understand these wernt pictures of her pretty face). Once again i was furious but didnt want this to happen to her so i gave her advice and told her what she needed to do. And as far as i no she does not make contact with him but i still question that.
Finally school started! it was a long summer and i had to see if my assumtions were right. Over the summer i have been thinking that Joan was still seeing Chris. I kept it to my self because of cource Joan would tell me i mean she trust me. Right? not evan the second day of school Chris gives me a present to give to Joan. While he handed it to me he tells me to look at it. i didnt bother to because she would probily show it to me anyway. I was over at the bending machine and right when i turn around i bump into a tall boy. I relized it was Chris he would always sneek up behing me which always annoyed me when we were dating. "Have you looked at it yet." he questioned me. "Ummm...no i realy dont want to im busy." i spoke and i relized my voice had taken affect from him startling me. He laghed then his voice became serious,"i realy think you should."

When he left i decided to open it. My curiosity from his voice couldnt take it any longer. It was a pretty heart necklace but why is he giving her a heart? The letter answerd my question. She had been lying to me evan though i kinda already new but did not want to belive they were cheating. She confessed and i told her i forgave her in fear of losing her friendship. But the feeling was still there. I still cant belive she chose him over me.

A week later she pulls me into the bathroom. She tells me how excited that Chris asked her out right after he and Lucy broke up i congratulated her. I felt alot better knowing my freind wasnt a cheater anymore.
The next day Joan clls me up crying again. I already new he broke up with her after only one day. The reson was worse. His mom didnt want him to. His mom also didnt want him to sext but he still did that. Finaly she relized he didnt love her. I was sad for her because i did belive she realy liked him.
We were still hanging with Chris and i saw he and Joan were pasing notes all he said wa said was i lov u 2 and i saw that look in her eyes. They were doing it again.....

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