The Sun, Stars and Moon | Teen Ink

The Sun, Stars and Moon

October 19, 2010
By Night-Day-Dreamer BRONZE, North Andover, Massachusetts
Night-Day-Dreamer BRONZE, North Andover, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;To be or not to be... That is the question.&quot;<br /> - Shakespeare -

I watch the sun set beyond the beach trees. The brilliant colors of the sun warm the blue sky and my body. The sun turns everything shades of yellow, orange, and red. It’s a peaceful sight. I turn towards the ocean. The water glistens beneath the glow of the setting sun. The gentle waves roll onto the wet sand. I turn my head back in the direction of the setting sun. It’s almost completely gone. People are starting to leave the beach, everyone leaves at dusk. I stay and watch the last of the colors of the sun dip slowly behind the beach trees. As the sun goes the birds fly off in the same direction. Once the sun is completely gone the waves become smaller, softer and gentler. Soon after sunset the starry sky appears, each star twinkling in its own way. The Moon slowly starts to appear too, its light reflecting off of the ocean water and onto the beach. It is time to go; slowly I turn away from this beautiful view and start to walk away. But some thing stops me; I turn around and wave a sad but peaceful good-night. Finally, I walk down the stairs to where my family awaits. Until next we meet.

The author's comments:
This piece was inspired by a prompt I found in the internet. I hope people will enjoy it and be able to create an image in their mind.

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