Sunset | Teen Ink


October 19, 2010
By Night-Day-Dreamer BRONZE, North Andover, Massachusetts
Night-Day-Dreamer BRONZE, North Andover, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;To be or not to be... That is the question.&quot;<br /> - Shakespeare -

Whenever I watch a sunset I am amazed at how beautiful and dazzling it can be. Brilliant colors of red, orange, and yellow streak the sky as if someone swiped the once clear blue sky with a paint brush. A sunset is always perfect in my eyes and nothing could taunt its perfection and innocence. A sunset has innocence that no one could explain because it does not know of bad things and can never be a horrible thing itself.

Each day I try to watch the sunset because it leaves me feeling warm and calm inside. Being in the rays of the sun is wonderful like someone giving you a hug and smiling down on you. No one can help but feeling happy and blissful when watching a sunset.

When I feel upset I like to go outside and watch the sun set or read a book outside in the rays of the sun because even if I go to the sunset with a bad or sad mood in the end I am always in a good mood. Sunsets have always made me feel better after a day when I thought nothing could go right and if I had a good day then I watch the sunset happily and thank it for such a great day.

Sunsets have left an impact on my life because it taught me that no matter how bad your day has been there is always another day to come with a fresh start of all things. So now I know no matter how horrible or upset I am feeling, if I watch the sunset I will remember what is has taught me and I will be willing to look forward to the next day with hope shining in me. So each day as I watch the sun sink slowly behind the horizon line I think of the next day and I know it will start off as an amazing day. And when the sun is finally gone, I never forget to make my wish.

The author's comments:
I use to watch sunsets all the time, now I don't have enough time with all the homework... Do yourself a favor and go watch a sunset.

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