Missing You | Teen Ink

Missing You

October 26, 2010
By BralynFalcon BRONZE, White Castle, Louisiana
BralynFalcon BRONZE, White Castle, Louisiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It has been two years now that you were taken away from us. I know it’s been longer then usual since I’ve written to you; it just seems to get harder and harder every time I think about it. That is everyday. I miss your loving face, and your kind voice I heard so often. Months and months go by and I still ask questions. Why? Why my uncle? Why so young? Why someone so genuine? Why someone who loved and when he did he loved hard? Why such a great person as yourself? Why did you come to our house that Thursday night and tell us what you told us? “Bray I love you, promise me you will do good in school, and be someone when you grow up”, “Remember I love you and always will love you.” Was that a sign and we just didn’t catch it? Everyday I ask myself the questions, but still no answers. I remember the day my mom called you to walk in her wedding and you said yes. That was the happiest day of her life. I remember seeing you with such a huge smile. I remember you brought Lauren over to see us: I’ve never seen you any happier. We were excited for you. I remember you calling my mom on your way to work everyday if there was an accident or police. I remember moments that I never thought would be as significant to me as they are now that you are gone. I never thought this pain would last so long. Now I try to believe it as you’re just waiting for us to come home. Sometimes I think GOD took you, but it won’t be long until we meet again. He just needed another GREAT angle above. I guess you’ve done your part on earth. Now it’s ours and soon we’ll see you have that huge smile. I wish I could say the same for me, but there are only tears falling. I just have to think of your eternal rest was for a good cause. I miss you. I wish I had just one more opportunity to talk with you, laugh with you, hug you, because I would never let you go.

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